Ransome E, Clegg T, Harris D, Williams J, Woodward G, Cator L, Bell T (2024). Integrating microbes into assessments of ecosystem health: towards a more holistic valuation for environmental management. Accepted at the Grantham Institute (peer reviewed).

Williams J, Pettorelli N, Dowell R, MacDonald K, Meyer C, Steyaert M, Tweedt S, Ransome E (2024). Simple MetaPipeline: Breaking the bioinformatics bottleneck in metabarcoding. Accepted in Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

Williams J, Pettorelli N, Hartmann A, Quinn R, Plaisance L, O’Mahoney M, Meyer C, Fabricius K, Knowlton N, Ransome E (2024). Decline of a distinct coral reef holobiont community under ocean acidification. Microbiome, doi.

Stephenson I, Thackeray SJ, Ransome E (2024). Delivering Biodiversity: Priority Actions for Fresh Water, British Ecological Society – Defra Policy Report, doi.

Smith T, Clegg T, Ransome E, Martin-Lilley M, Rosindell J, Woodward G, Pawar S, Bell T (2024). High throughput characterization of bacterial responses to complex mixtures of chemical pollutants. Nature Microbiology, doi.

Dowell R, Dunn N, Head C, Yesson C, Williams J, Ransome E (2024). Environmental DNA captures diurnal fluctuations of surface eukaryotes on a tropical coral reef. Environmental DNA, doi.


Tan CCS, Trew J, Peacock TP, Mok KY, Hart C, Lau K, Ni D, Orme D, Ransome E, Pearse WD, Coleman CM, Bailey D, Thakur N, Quantrill JL, Sukhova K, Richard D, Woodward G, Bell T, Worledge L, Nunez-Mino J, Tarlinton R, Apaa T, Matthews F, Barclary W, van Drop L, Balloux F, Savolainen V (2023). Surveillance of 16 UK native bat species through conservationist networks uncovers coronaviruses with zoonotic potential. Nature Communications, doi.

Abubakar-Waziri H, Kalaiarasan G, Wawman R, Hobbs F, Adcock IM, Dilliway C, Fang F, Pain C, Porter A, Bhavsar P, Ransome E, Savolainen V, Kumar P, Chung KF (2023). SARS-CoV-2 in public spaces in West London, UK, during COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, doi.

Smith T, Clegg T, Ransome E, Martin-Lilley M, Rosindell J, Woodward G, Pawar S, Bell T (2023). Bacterial responses to complex mixtures of chemical pollutants. BioRxiv, doi.

Ransome E, Hobbs F, Jone S, Coleman C, Harris D, Woodward G, Bell T, Trew J, Kolarevic S, Kracen-Kolarevic M, Savolainen V (2023). Evaluating the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 from sewage pollution. Science of the Total Environment, doi.


Smith T, Mombrikotb S, Ransome E, Kontopoulos DG, Pawar S, Bell T (2022). Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to environmental fluctuation. eLife, doi.

Steyaert M, Lindhart M, Khrizman A, Dunbar R, Bonsall M, Mucciarone D, Ransome E, Santodomingo N, Winslade P, Head C (2022). Remote reef cryptobenthic diversity: integrating Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) and in-situ environmental parameters. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi.

Kumar P, Kalaiarasan G, Bhagat R, Mumby S, Adcock IM, Porter AE, Ransome E, Abubaker-Waziri H, Bhavsar P, Shishodia S, Dilliway C, Fang F, Pain CC, Chung KF (2022). Active air monitoring for understanding the ventilation and infection risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in public indoor spaces. Atmosphere, doi.

Chung FK Hisham A, Kalaiarasan G, Adcock IM, Dillway C, Fang F, Pain C, Kumar P, Ransome E, Savolainen V, Bhavsar P, Porter A (2022). SARS-CoV-2 and air pollution interactions: airborne transmission and COVID-19. Molecular Frontiers Journal, doi.

Jones S, Bell T, Coleman CM, Harris D, Woodward G, Worledge L, Roberts H, McElhinney L, Aegerter J, Ransome E* & Savolainen V* (2022). Testing bats in rehabilitation for SARS-CoV-2 before release into the wild. Conservation Science & Practice, doi (*joint last author).


Casey J, Ransome E, Mahardini A, Kurniashih EK, Sembiring A, Schiettekatte N, Cahyani D, Anggoro A, Moore M, Uehling A, Belcaid M, Barber P, Geller J, Meyer C (2021). DNA metabarcoding marker choice skews perception of marine eukaryotic biodiversity. Environmental DNA, doi.

Smith T, Mombrikotb S, Ransome E, Kontopoulos DG, Pawar S, Bell T (2021). Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to environmental fluctuation. bioRxiv, doi.


Reynard N, Ellison E, Wilson A, Williamson P, O-Niles J, Ransome E, Mashayekhi A (2020). The contribution of coastal blue carbon ecosystems to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Grantham Institute (peer reviewed), BP34.

Makiola A… Ransome E… Bohen D (2020) Key questions for next generation biomonitoring. Frontiers in Environmental Science, doi.


Drovetski S, O’Mahoney M, Ransome E, Matterson K, Lim H, Chesser T, Graves G (2018). Spatial organisation of the gastro-intestinal microbiota in urban Canada geese. Nature Scientific Reports, doi.

Rivett DW, Jones ML, Ramoneda J, Mombrikotb SB, Ransome E, Bell T (2018). Elevated success of multiple concurrent invasions do not impact on longer term succession in microbial communities. Ecology Letters, doi.


Hartmann A, Petras D, Quinn R, Protsyuk I, Archer ER, Ransome E, Williams G, Bailey B, Vermeij M, Alexandrov T, Dorrestein P, Rohwer F (2017). Meta-mass shift chemical profiling of metabolomes from coral reefs. PNAS, 114(4), doi.

Ransome E, Geller J, Timmers M, Leray M, Collins A & Meyer C (2017). The importance of standardization for biodiversity comparisons: a case study using autonomous reef monitoring structures (ARMS) and metabarcoding to measure cryptic diversity on Mo’orea coral reefs, French Polynesia. PLoS ONE 12(4): doi.


Ransome E, Rowley S, Thomas S, Munn C & Tait K (2014). Disturbance to conserved bacterial communities in Eunicella verrucosa. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 90(2), 404-416.

Ransome E, Munn C, Halliday N, Cámara M & Tait K (2013). Diverse profiles of acyl-homorserine lactone molecules found in cnidarians. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 87(2), 315-329.

Ransome E & Wentworth J (2011). Marine Planning. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology Note 388  (peer reviewed) http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/research/post/.

Martin S, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Ransome E, Rowley S, Buia MC, Gattuso JP & Hall-Spencer J (2008). Effects of naturally acidified seawater on seagrass calcareous epiphytes. Biology Letters 4(6), 689-692.

Hall-Spencer J, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner S, Rowley S, Tedesco D & Buia MC (2008). Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show the ecosystem effects of ocean acidification.  Nature, 454, 96-99.


Cover Image: Anemonia viridis; Ransome et al., 2013


Research highlight: Chapter 6; Hall-Spencer et al., 2008